Former SCBC President Leads Catholic Woman to Christ Using TrueLife

We here at cherish each and every one of our partnering churches and pastors because we know that each of them is uniquely situated and placed in their specific context by God to reach the people in that community. Whether your surrounding community is predominantly composed of minorities, immigrants, Buddhists, Muslims, low-income individuals, Atheists, philosophers, day laborers, or scientists, God has placed you and your church in that place specifically to reach those particular people.

We love to hear stories about pastors and churches who are doing just that through the use of One such story came to us from Brad Atkins, former President of the South Carolina Baptist Convention and Pastor at Powdersville First Baptist Church in Easley, South Carolina.

Pastor Atkins had enrolled his church with and followed TrueLife’s proven implementation strategy and had been showing signs of evangelistic progress as his congregation had been handing out their cards in the surrounding community. He reports that a Catholic woman named Lana had come to his church’s commitment Sunday and had taken home one of the cards after hearing Pastor Atkins tell the congregation about a local gas-station attendant named Pam that he had been engaging with the gospel. Card in hand, Lana went home, logged on to and watched the videos that relate to Catholicism. After watching the video and wanting to genuinely receive forgiveness for her sins, she met with Pastor Atkins and his Administrative Pastor and together they were able to reiterate gospel with her and win her to Christ. Lana, now in her sixties, after a lifetime of Catholicism, has been set free from the bondage of her sins in Christ and was recently baptized by Pastor Atkins.

In fact, Pastor Atkins loves so much that he has actually signed up two other churches on his own church’s budget! One of which is in Salt Lake City. We are thrilled to partner with these churches as well.

These kinds of stories are why we do what we do. Individuals like Lana – people who have been brought out of darkness and into Christ’s marvelous light – they are our heartbeat here at If you have stories like this one that you’d like to share with us, we’d love to hear them. Please write to us at

Pastor Atkins recently sat down in an interview with Micah Fries, Vice President of Lifeway Research and shared this story in his own words. Please take a moment and watch the video inside this blog post!